A Busy Slow Week
Friday we left the office early and went to the temple with the Alsops. A man Bob Alsop works with lives in an apartment on the temple complex, and he offered to give us a ride. We really appreciated that. Afterwards, it was still early, so we caught an Uber and went to Lincoln Park. That neighborhood has tons of restaurants. We chose a Thai one which was in a cool old house. Our table was outside on a terrace right by the fence separating the terrace from the sidewalk. It was vine covered to give the restaurant privacy, but there were enough openings that passing vendors kept trying to sell us stuff through the fence. I wanted to see more of the house, so I conveniently needed to visit the lady’s room, which meant I got to go inside. Only one room inside had tables in it. The rest looked as if it was in the process of being restored. It was still such an amazing building. I went back to the table and told everyone else they needed to use the restroom as well. I wish I could see it when it was first built and people were actually living there. As for the food, it was really good, and we all said we’d go there again.
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The ceiling inside the old house |
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The stairway was awesome, but as you can see, it was blocked off. |
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This was a fun roller blading course in Lincoln Park |
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This was another cool old house by Lincolne Park--not the restaurant. I love these old mansions. |
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After dinner we went to this cute ice cream shop that makes cones that look like flowers. |
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Our ice cream cone--and it tasted good too! |
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There's very little you can get in the United States that you can't get here. |
The devotional was being held in Tecámac, which is about an hour and twenty minutes from where we live. We wanted to make sure we got there early, so we walked out of our apartment two and a half hours before it was supposed to start. You’d think that would have been plenty of time, wouldn’t you? Our first hitch came in trying to get an Uber to take us there. The first two accepted and then dropped us. We finally got a third one who came, but we had to wait fifteen minutes for him. By then, we’d lost about a half hour. Then we ran into a spot where the traffic was really heavy and slow. It turns out there was a wreck. I’m learning that we should always assume there will be a wreck, or a broken down car, or something that will cause a traffic jam. Once we got past the wreck, the going was good, but I began to realize why we’d had such a hard time getting an Uber. I knew Tecámac was a different city than Mexico City, but so is Techamachalco, which is where we live, and unless you know where the line between the two is, you wouldn’t know you’ve ever left Mexico City. On the tiny map on my phone, Tecámac didn’t look that far, so I figured it would be the same. I was wrong. It soon became obvious we were leaving the city. We saw fields and small communities. I was amazed we’d found any Uber driver willing to take us there, and I started to wonder if we would be able to find an Uber driver to take us home. (Gustavo had suggested we checkout a car from the church’s pool, but I’d said, “We can just get an Uber.” Silly me.) When we got to Tecámac, our driver pulled over at the entrance to a big park. If there hadn’t been men there in “helping hands” vests, we would have thought we were at the wrong place. The address hermano Zepeda sent us said “Parque” on it, which means “park,” but I’d assumed there must be a big auditorium in the park. I was wrong. The devotional was held in a huge outdoor pavilion on the opposite side of the park from the entrance. Thankfully there were several young men who helped us carry the box of books and the gifts because it was quite a trek to get to the spot. With all that, we arrived only about fifteen minutes before the devotional started. Ron was able to find hermano Zepeda in the VIP tent, so we delivered our stuff to him, and he led us to seats in the VIP section. So despite the fact that 5,000 people (and I mean that number literally) had arrived ahead of us, we got to sit on the second row. I felt a little guilty.
devotional was wonderful. 300 of the 5,000 women and girls who had come for it
were part of an amazing choir. I think it was the best choir I’ve heard since
we’ve been here. There were a few other speakers besides Sister Aburto, but
they kept their remarks fairly short, so the focus was on her message. I was
able to follow the gist of most what the speakers said, even if I couldn’t
understand the details. I remember the first Sacrament meeting we went to in
the Spanish ward here. I couldn’t understand a single word. It all sounded like
a jumble to me. At least now when I don’t understand words, I can distinguish
them from the few words I do understand. Needless to say, Ron was the one who
took notes, but I could feel the Spirit of the talks. It really was an amazing
When the devotional was over, we had to figure out how we were going to get back to Mexico City. Octavio from PSD was there taking pictures. We mentioned to him that we were concerned we wouldn’t be able to get an Uber to go all the way back. He said he thought we could. We were debating whether we needed to go all the way back to the park entrance or if we could get an Uber to come in to where we were, (there were tons of buses there which had brought the people in from the outlying areas) when he came up to us and offered to drive us back himself. I was so relieved and really appreciated that. Mexico City is a huge place, so even though he was going there, that didn’t mean he was going someplace near Teca Once, so we told him if he could just get us into the city, we could get an Uber. He drives a cute little red mini Cooper, and it was fun to get to know him more on the drive. He dropped us off at a mall that was only about ten minutes from Teca Once, and we were able to get an Uber from there.
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Octavio's car and a line of buses lined up to take people home after the devotional. |
Despite all this, we actually had a
slow week at the office. Well, slow for us, but not for the rest of the team.
We want to be available to help them whenever we can, but we also don’t want to
be a burden for them by having them feel like they have to come up with things
to keep us busy. It’s a fine line to walk sometimes. This week I spent quite a
bit of time at the office working on my Spanish or doing family history. At
times like that it’s easy to start wondering, “Why am I here when I could be
home playing with my grandkids?” Ron tells me it’s a normal part of missionary
work to sometimes wonder if you’re doing anything that matters. Then today in church,
one of the speakers read a poem by John Milton, who also wrote Paradise Lost.
This was a sonnet which was written at a time when he was going blind and was
pondering if he would be able to continue contributing in life. The last line
of the poem says, “They also serve who only stand and wait.” That hit home with
me. I may have to print it and post it above my desk so when the slow days hit,
I can be reminded—I’m here and I’m available when I’m needed. “They also serve
who only stand and wait.”
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