
Ending on a High Note

This past week feels like it has been a month! The Tabernacle Choir arrived on Tuesday, though most of their leadership arrived earlier. Last Sunday evening our department and the choir leaders met together to review the plans for the VIP events we’re in charge of. From that time on, our week was a whirlwind of finalizing plans and getting things put together. We spent long hours and had moments of panic, wondering if we’d get it all done in time. But in the end, it all came together. It was interesting to be in a position to know some of what was going on in the background, things most people would never know about. It felt a bit like a duck swimming on a pond. On the surface it seems to be gliding smoothly along, but underneath is it paddling like crazy. The first Choir event we were involved with was on Thursday, when the Choir put on a performance at the cathedral in Toluca. Alfredo was very involved in helping with that event and was in charge of planning a VIP dinner before it ...

This is Not What I Expected to Do on a Mission

  As part of the events connected with the Tabernacle Choir’s concerts in Mexico City, our department is planning a VIP reception and a VVIP dinner. Ron and I have been helping organize them. This week our caterer brought samples of hors d’ oeuvres and agua frescas (flavored water) for us to try for the reception. For a little while, our conference room was turned into a bit of a party room as we sampled the appetizers. The next day, I was working with Michelle and hermana Lima to contact a couple of ambassadors to see if they would prefer steak, salmon, or chicken cordon bleu for their main dish at the dinner. I said, “This is not what I expected to be doing on a mission!” That made us all laugh because it’s so true. I’ve done a whole lot of things on this mission that I never expected to be doing. I didn’t even know they were in the realm of possibility for a mission! Planning such high level events can be stressful. I don’t feel stressed, but my sleep patterns are telling me I a...