
Showing posts from May, 2023

A Test and an Announcement

The Teca Once missionaries get together once a month for Family Home Evening. This month the Arguetas hosted. They are such delightful people, and we always enjoy it when we get to be with them. Some of the senior missionaries were out of town on assignments or tied up with other things, but those of us who were there had a fun time. We, the Arguetas, the Deavers, and the Gá½¹mez Canedos are in the picture. Janise Everett came too, but she left before the photo was taken. In the United States, if we say “We’re having refreshments,” we mean cookies and punch, but in Mexico, “refreshments” means they are going to feed you. The Arguetas made Molletas, which I had never eaten before. To make them, you slice a bolillo (a Mexican roll) in half, spread refried black beans on each half, and top them with cheese. Then you bake them to the desired crispiness. To finish them, you put pico de gallo (what we call fresh salsa in the U.S.) on top of them. They were great! So if you want an authentic Me...

New Faces and Old Buildings

At our department meeting on Monday, we learned that Ricardo Gerardo Higuera, the Mexican Consul to Idaho, would be meeting with the Area Presidency the next day. We are not usually involved in those meetings; usually only Gustavo and Michelle attend them from our department. However, on Tuesday, Michelle had us help get the gift and materials ready for the Area President to give to the Consul and his wife. Then she had us take them with her to the conference room where the meeting was going to be held. As we were almost to the Area Presidency’s office suites, Gustavo came out and said, the Consul had already arrived and to hurry. We hurried in, and then were invited to take a seat. I don’t know if we were actually supposed to attend that meeting or not, but we ended up being there. The conversation was mostly between the Area Presidency and the Consul and his wife. They live in Boise and cover the entire state of Idaho and a little of Montana. They spoke about how much they love the s...