We got our green cards this week, which means we are now legal residents of Mexico! Although we are area missionaries, the Mexico City West mission is assigned to take care or our temporal needs, so they got all the paperwork ready for us. Then Thursday two cute, young missionaries met us in front of our office building, ordered an Uber, and escorted us to the Immigration building. They made sure our papers were all in order and sent us in. I was a little nervous because we had to go through the process separately, and I don’t speak Spanish well. I was worried I wouldn’t understand what they were asking me or that I wouldn’t be able to answer something important. Then I thought, “What’s the worst thing that could happen? They might decide I can’t stay and send me home.” That didn’t seem too bad, so I calmed down. Between my limited Spanish and their limited English, we managed to get the process done. I even had one exchange which gave me more confidence when it comes to trying t...