
Showing posts from March, 2023

And Now, Back to Mexico

We had a wonderful trip home to visit our family, despite getting mild head colds that delayed how soon we got to see our new grandson and shortened the number of days we got to spend with him. Still, we were able to see all of our children and grandchildren. We had a great time playing with them and of course, holding our newest little guy. It was hard saying good-bye and getting on an airplane back to Mexico. I felt a little melancholy the whole flight. Then we came out of the airport and saw the beautiful sunny sky, the green grass, and the flowers blooming. After being in frigid Utah and Idaho, it looked like paradise, and I thought, “We can handle three more months here.” Our sweet little Asher       A new couple arrived at Teca Once last Monday, the same day we got back. That evening the missionaries all got together for dinner at the Davises’ to welcome the Comejos. They are Mexican and don’t speak English, but I was able to understand quite a bit of the conversation and even

A Weekend of Fun With Friends and a Visit From the Stork

A couple of weeks ago Vicki Deaver, Pat Frandsen, and Gustavo were in our office visiting with us. Gustavo told us about some cool things in Tula, where he grew up and now lives. He said, “You guys should go there some time.” Gustavo is a planner, so as we talked, he planned what our itinerary would be. He said we could have dinner at his house on Friday evening, Saturday he’d take us to Grutas de Tolantongo, and Sunday after church we could walk around the archeological sites in Tula before we headed home. He mentioned inviting all the senior missionaries to come. We all said we’d love to go, but we didn’t set a definite day to do it. At the beginning of last week, it came up again. He checked his calendar and told us the coming weekend was the only one he had available for the foreseeable future. So we planned a trip to Tula! We invited all the Teca Once missionaries, and eleven of us ended up going. It was probably a bigger group that Gustavo had anticipated, but he and his wife, Au