A City of Charm and Charcoal
Jerry Wright wanted to experiment with renting a car and driving somewhere, so Friday afternoon we took off with the Wrights for a little town called Villa del Carbόn. It’s a couple of hours north of us and a little over 1,000 feet higher. The hardest part of the drive was the part in Mexico City. At least half of the time it took to get to Villa del Carbόn was spent just getting out of the city. Once we did that, it was a lovely drive up into the forest. Villa del Carb ό n is a vacation town, but not one Americans frequent. It reminded me a little of Island Park, because it is a small city in the mountains where people from the nearby large cities go for a quick getaway. I was looking at all the cute buildings as we were driving around trying to find the zocalo, when I saw a familiar sign. I exclaimed, “That was one of our churches!” It was only a couple of blocks from the zocalo, so we walked back to it later. It was fun to see that we have a presence even in a little place like th...