A Rose By Any Other Name...
When William Shakespeare penned the phrase, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet," I'm sure he wasn't referring to plant nomenclature. However, roses, like all plants, have multiple names, and sorting things out can sometimes be a bit confusing. Here is a simple explanation of plant names, and why this knowledge is important for home gardeners.
So why the Latin botanical names? Is it just so plant lovers can look all hoity toity and knowlegeable when they spout off names like Gleditsia tricanthos variety inermis instead of thornless honeylocust? Well, that might be one reason, but the bigger, more important reason has to do with consistency. Botanical names are based on international rules and regulations. They are the same whether you are in Idaho or New York or New Zealand. Common names aren't. In fact, the same common name may apply to multiple plants.
Euonymus alatus 'Compactus'--our burning bush |
Another problem arises in that the same plant may have multiple common names. A couple of years ago I needed several of a specific plant for a client's landscape. A young clerk at the nursery where I was purchasing the plants was helping me check out. As he was gathering the tags off the plants to ring them up, he suddenly stood up and said, "Ah oh, these aren't all the same plant."
He then showed me the tags. Some of them had the common name as gro-low sumac and some had the common name as spreading fragrant sumac. However, when I looked at the botanical name, all the tags listed it as Rhus aromatica 'Gro-low.'
I pointed this out to him and said, "Don't worry, they are all the same." Two different suppliers had simply labeled the same plant with different common names.
To botanists the Latin names often have significance. For example, the chinensis in Juniperus chinensis says that this plant is a native of China. And the 'Compactus' in Euonymus alatus 'Compactus' says this is a smaller form of the plant. However, your typical home gardener doesn't need to understand all that. As a simple explanation, the first word (in this case Euonymus) refers to the plant's genus, the second word (alatus) refers to the plant's species, and the third word ('Compactus') refers to the plant's variety or cultivar. This is the most common form of botanical name you will encounter. Sometimes the botanical name will contain an "x." For example the botanical name for goldflame honeysuckle is Lonicera x heckrotti. This tells us that this plant is a hybrid of two other plants.
Back to our original statement, would "a rose by any other name smell as sweet"? I'm not sure about the fragrance, but if you want to make sure the plant you are buying is a rose, look for Rosa as the plant's genus. If it's there, you're set. If not, who knows what you're getting.
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